Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadan Kareem!

Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان ) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

The word Ramadan comes originally from the word ramd "to burn". The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset. The name came from before the Islamic calendar creation, when the month of Ramadan started in the summer. Fasting during this month is often thought to symbolically burn away all sins.

Note: The symbol of Ramadan is the new moon which is sighted before Muslims start fasting, astrologically this year, Ramadan should be starting on Wednesday, however, Tuesday astrologers will look for the new moon incase it appears earlier.

Ramadan is the month of charity and generosity; it is about giving the poor and the needy, by offering one's time, efforts and donations.

Tips for a blessed and successful Ramadan

Ramadan Timings:

1. Avoid the rush hours from 1 P.M to 4: 30 P.M on certain roads and bridges

2. Double check the timings of any service providers because in Ramadan all working hours are re-scheduled whether private or government entities.

Breakfast & Supper:

3. For Breakfast (Iftar), it’s advisable that you consume slow digesting foods including fibre containing-foods rather than fast-digesting foods. Slow digesting foods last up to 8 hours, while fast-digesting foods last for only 3 to 4 hours.
Slow-digesting foods are foods that contain grains and seeds such as barley, wheat, oats, beans, lentils, whole meal flour, and unpolished rice. These are complex carbohydrates. Fast-burning foods are foods that contain ingredients such as sugar and white flour.

4. If you are fasting the next day, it’s recommended to drink a lot of water and have yogurt in your sohour or dinner.

5. Drink as much water or fruit juices as possible between iftar and bedtime so that your body may adjust fluid levels in time.

What to avoid:

6. Headache Causes: Caffeine and tobacco-withdrawal, lack of sleep, and hunger. Usually occur as the day goes by and worsens at the end of the day. When associated with "low blood pressure", the headache can be quite severe and can also cause nausea before breakfast or Iftar.

Remedy: Cut down caffeine and tobacco slowly starting a few days before Ramadan.

7. Avoid the too much tea at Sohour as tea makes you urinate more taking away all valuable mineral salts that your body would need during the day especially in August weather. Also avoid smoking cigarettes or Shisha (Hubble): If you cannot give up smoking, cut down gradually starting a few days before Ramadan. And avoid fried and spicy foods as they may cause heartburn or indigestion.

8. During the hottest part of the day, stay in cool areas (indoors or in shade) and limit your physical activity.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lessons from School

school - madrasah ; mahadota-alim
teacher - mo-alem
teach - ta-alom
teaching - talim ; tadris
education - tarbiyah
educated - adib ; aref
student - telmiz
college - koliyah
college student - taleb jame-i
college graduate - kherijol jame-ah
high school - edadiyah
high school teacher - modares
lesson - dars

letter - resalah
letters - alfadh
letter of alphbet - harf

counting - add
computations - mohasabat
measure - qiyas ; meqyas ; meqdar

science - olum
scientific - elmi
scientist - alem

history - tarikh
historian - mowarekh
historical - tarikh

reading - motala-ah

writing - ensha
write - rosq
writer - kateb ; moalef
word - kalemah ; harf ; loqah ; kalam
words - alfadh

note - tadil

memory - bal ; zakerah
memorize - hefdh

moral lesson - ebrah
bag - haqibah ; kis
book - ketabpen - qalam
paper - kaqaz

ballpen - qalam-jaf
pencil - qalam-resas
pen case/holder - mahbarah

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

At Home

home - bait
house - dar
shelter - loju

gate - bawabah
gatekeeper - bawab 
guard (man) - hares

lawn - color
garden - bostan
gardener - bostani
grass - alaf

door - bab
window - shobak
wall - jodar ; hesar ; ha-et
balcony - eiwan
basement - serdab

room - qorfah
bed - ferash
bedsheet - malhafah
pillow - makhadah ; wesada
quilt - lahaf
sofa - sarir ; arikah
frame - etar

kitchen - matbakh
table - mastabah
tablecloth - maedah
chair - korsi
plate - sahno ta-am
spoon - mel-aqah
knife - sekin

bath - hamam
towel - manshafah
soap - sabun
toothbrush - meswak
shelf - raf
clothes - lebas
clothing - malabes
washing - qasl

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Arabic Counting 20 UP

After the Basic Arabic Numbers

It's time to move
From 20 and Up
20 - eshrun
 21 - wahedon wa eshrun
29 - tes-on wa eshrun
30 - thalathun
31 - wahedon wa thalathun
32 - ethnan wa thalathun
39 - tes-on wa thalathun
40 - arba-un
41 - wahedon wa arba-un
49 - tes-on wa arba-un
50 - khamsun
60 - setun
70 - sab-in
80 - thamanun
90 - tes-un
100 - ma-ah
. . .
1000 - alf
1M - malyon

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Arabic Alphabet

Alif - A
Baa - B
Taa - T
Thaa - TH
Jiim - J
Haa - H
Kha - KH
Daal - D
Raa - R
Zaay - Z
Siin - S
Shiin - SH
Saad - S
Daad - D
Taa - T
Dhaa - DH
Ayn -
Ghayn - Q
Faa - F
Qaaf - Q
Kaaf - K
Laam - L
Miim - M
Nuun - N
Ha - H
Waaw - W / U
Yaa - Y / I