Thursday, October 22, 2009

Arabic Numbers

0 - sifr
1 - waahid
2 - eeth-nayn
3 - thalaatha
4 - arba'a
5 - khamsa
6 - sitta
7 - sab'a
8 - thamaaneeya
9 - tis'a

Monday, October 5, 2009

Basic Arabic Lesson

Assalaam Alaikum - Peace be upon you

To which the reply is:
Wa Alaikum assalaam - And peace be upon you
This phrase will be used in many different contexts when meeting people.

Marhabbah - Hello
to which the reply is:
Marhabbteen - Hello
This is probably the equivalent of saying Hi!

Sabah al khair - Good Morning
To which the reply is:
Sabah al noor

Masah al khair - Good Afternoon / Evening
To which the reply is:
Masah al noor

Shukran (jazeelan) - Thank you (very much)
To which the reply is:
Aafwaan - You're welcome
An alternative to Shukran is Mushkoor

Ahlan wa sahlan -Welcome

To which the reply is:
Ahlan beek (to a male)
Ahlan beech (to a female)
Ahlan beekum (to a group)
- Welcome to you

This is usually used in introductions
Keef haluk? - How are you?
Sometimes shortened to Keefak
To which the reply is:
Al hamdu lillah (bi khair) - Praise be to Allah (well)
This should be the usual reply.
You could use:
Ana bikhayr, shukran - I am fine, thank you
Weyn inta - Literally, Where are you?
But probably equivalent to Long time no see
Occasionally you will hear:
Shu-ukhbaarak - What's your news?
- which you would reply to in the normal way

Aysh ismuk - What is your name?

Ismi Jason - My name is Jason

Titakellem ingleezi - Do you speak English?

Ana la atakellem al arabi - I don't speak Arabic
Terrref arabi? - Do you know Arabic
Atakullum inglieezi - I speak English

Inta min weyn? - Where are you from?

Ana min ingliterra - I'm from England
Umreeka - USA
Oostraaalia - Australia
Al imaraaat - UAE
Wa inta? - And you?

Maasalaamah - Goodbye

To which the reply is:
Fi aman allah or Maasalaamah

Inshallah - If Allah wishes
This phrase is used in reference to a future, since all things are at Allah's will.
So if you say, see you tomorrow, you might be replied with Inshallah.
Indeed, it is used in numerous contexts.
You'll send me the report tomorrow? - Inshallah.

Maashallah - What Allah wishes

This is used when complimenting something, usually in the context of family or health.

Mabrook - Congratulations
This is used in any congratulatory context, more so than you would use in English.

Naam - Yes

Aywa - Yeah/OK

La - No

Min fudluk - Please

Shoo? - What?
Shoofi mafi? - What's up? or What's the matter?

Shoo hada? - What is this?

Mafi mushkil - No problem

Itfudul - Be my guest / My pleasure

Tamaam - Perfect

Baadin - Later

Dilwaati - Now

Ilyoum - Today

Bukra - Tomorrow
Ashoofook bukra - See you tomorrow

Aadhi - It's normal

Jebli shai - Bring me some tea

Kallemni - Call me / Talk to me

Ma adhri - I dont know

Maa-i-khussni - It's not my problem

Inta kida - Thumbs up

Intaa tabaanThumbs down

Areed areefI want to know

Mumken asaduq - Can I help you?

Sida - Straight

Yasar - Left

Yameen - Right

Tabaan - Of course

Andi - I have

Kam - How much

Affwaan - Excuse me

Kull - Everything

When you sneeze you say
Al hamdu lillah
To which someone will say
Yer humkullah
And you will say again
Yer hamna wa yer humkum

Kalas - Finish