ARABIC is the official language but English is widely spoken and understood.
ISLAM is the official religion, but other religions are respected. Non-Muslims should not enter Mosques.
DIRHAM is the currency in the UAE. It is held constant against the dollars $1 = AED3.67
Most banks are open Sunday to Thursday, but bank malls are open 7 days a week.
MALLS are generally open from 10AM to 10PM, 7 days a week.
DUBAI METRO is the best transport in getting around the city. There are feeder buses to bring you at the doorstep of your destination. TAXIS roam around. BUSES are also available in the respective stations.
Respect should be shown for the local culture and religion - revealing clothing should be avoided.
Alcohol is available from all bars and restaurants located within hotels. Restaurants and cafes outside of hotel are not permitted to sell alcohol. There is zero tolerance for drink driving and public intoxication is also punishable by law.
*Useful Numbers
Police / Ambulance: 999
Fire: 007
Directories Inquiries: 181
Al Wasl Hospirtal: 009714 334 1111
Dubai Airport: 009714 206 6666
*Useful Website